GPTs & Plugins


SciSpace, available in the ChatGPT Store, is a revolutionary AI-powered platform that provides nonprofit organizations with unparalleled access to scientific research, sophisticated data analysis capabilities, and collaborative tools. This tool is designed to bridge the gap between nonprofit initiatives and the vast world of academic research, enabling organizations to leverage cutting-edge science and technology in their work. SciSpace offers a comprehensive suite of features including a vast library of academic papers, data visualization tools, and collaborative workspaces, making it easier for nonprofits to conduct research, analyze data, and share findings with team members and stakeholders. Whether your organization is focused on environmental conservation, public health, education, or social justice, SciSpace equips you with the resources to support evidence-based approaches, enhance program effectiveness, and drive meaningful change.



  1. Informed Decision-Making: Make better-informed decisions by grounding your strategies and interventions in scientific evidence and data.
  2. Increased Credibility: Strengthen your organization's credibility by leveraging authoritative sources and robust data in your communications and proposals.
  3. Enhanced Innovation: Stay at the forefront of innovation by incorporating the latest scientific findings and methodologies into your work.
  4. Improved Program Effectiveness: Use evidence-based insights to enhance the effectiveness and impact of your programs, leading to better outcomes for your target populations.
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Use Cases

  1. Research and Development: Access the latest scientific research to inform the development of new programs or interventions.
  2. Impact Evaluation: Utilize data analysis tools to evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Grant Writing and Reporting: Enhance grant proposals and reports with authoritative scientific evidence and data visualizations.
  4. Collaborative Projects: Facilitate collaboration with researchers, other nonprofits, and stakeholders on projects that require a strong scientific foundation.

Prompt Examples

  1. "Access and summarize the latest research on community-based approaches to mental health care."
  2. "Use data visualization tools to analyze the impact of our environmental conservation efforts over the last five years."
  3. "Identify and collaborate with leading researchers in the field of educational technology to develop a pilot study for our new learning program."
  4. "Enhance our upcoming grant proposal with scientific evidence supporting the need for clean water initiatives in underserved communities."