GPTs & Plugins


Consensus, available on the ChatGPT Store, is a groundbreaking AI tool that aims to revolutionize how nonprofit organizations approach decision-making and collaboration. This Custom GPT assists in gathering opinions, synthesizing viewpoints, and guiding groups towards consensus on various issues, from strategic planning to program development. By leveraging advanced algorithms, Consensus ensures that all voices are heard and considered, making the decision-making process more democratic, efficient, and effective. It's particularly useful for coordinating among diverse teams, managing stakeholder input, and achieving alignment on mission-critical decisions. Whether you're a small community group or a large international NGO, Consensus provides the support needed to navigate complex decisions with greater ease and confidence.



  1. Improved Decision Quality: By considering diverse perspectives, decisions are more informed, holistic, and likely to lead to better outcomes.
  2. Enhanced Organizational Unity: Facilitating consensus-building helps to foster a sense of unity and shared purpose among team members and stakeholders.
  3. Increased Efficiency: Streamlines the decision-making process, reducing the time and effort required to achieve consensus on important issues.
  4. Strengthened Stakeholder Engagement: Actively involving stakeholders in the decision-making process enhances their commitment to and satisfaction with the outcomes.
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Use Cases

  1. Strategic Planning: Facilitate the collection and integration of feedback from various stakeholders to shape strategic directions and priorities.
  2. Program Development: Gather insights and reach agreement on program initiatives, ensuring they align with organizational goals and community needs.
  3. Resource Allocation: Streamline the decision-making process for allocating limited resources among competing projects or initiatives.
  4. Conflict Resolution: Provide a neutral platform for airing differing views and finding common ground on contentious issues within the organization.

Prompt Examples

  1. "Compile and summarize feedback on our proposed new program from staff across all departments."
  2. "Identify key areas of agreement and disagreement in our strategic planning survey responses."
  3. "Generate a list of pros and cons for each potential location of our next community service project."
  4. "Facilitate a discussion on reallocating our budget towards digital marketing efforts, incorporating input from both our fundraising and communications teams."